Welcome to our rust server. Please contact Mrdanmay or Felix_85 in game or on steam chat.
Server Name on Steam: Carebears PVE NOOB No Raid No Killing Low Decay
Carebears is a general term used to describe players who do not want to engage in person to person combat and want to survive and build and explore and play.
- No Decay
- PVE – Player Versus Environment
- NPC’s drive cars
- Rocket Launcher Smoke Missiles are auto locking homing missiles
- Vehicle Tow
How to Tow
- Loot a set of parts for a whole car engine
- The Tow Hammer Appears
- Click it
- You now have the hammer
- Click it
- The Tow Hammer Appears
- Drive your car near another car. Hit the other car with the hammer in the front. Then hit your car with the hammer in the back. They are attached.
- Hit your car twice to detach.
- To attach a boat it’s the same process, except the boat will go to the top of your vehicle.
- If you have all the car parts, you can create a chassis
- The chassis can be used to create other cars OR as a trailer.
- When holding the hammer there is a menu that can be changed by pressing [R] to cycle through chassis sizes. Hit the ground twice with the hammer to create the chassis.
- The chassis can be used to create other cars OR as a trailer.