
Nadi’s are the channels or pathways in which Prana (life energy) passes through the body. There are 72,000 nadis. The 3 main Nadi’s are:

  1. IDA
    1. Starts at the root chakra and runs up the back left side of the spine and ends at the left nostril. Associated with lunar energy, feminine, and cooling. Means comfort in Sanskrit.
  2. Pingala
    1. Starts at the root chakra and runs up the back right side of the spine and ends at the right nostril. Associated with solar energy, masculine, and warming. Means orange in Sanskrit.
  3. Sushumna
    1. Is the central and most important channel. It connects the base chakra to the crown chakra.
Quick Pranayama Practice — Conviction Yoga

The purpose of Yoga is Moksha, liberation and hence immortality in the state of Samadhi, union, which is the meaning of Yoga as describe by Patanjali. ​(Satcittananda, 1978)​

This is obstructed by blockages in the Nadis, which allow the vital air, Prana, to languish in the Ida and Pingala channels. The unblocking of the channels is therefore a vital function of Yoga. The various practices of Yoga, Pranayama, mantras, visualization, mudras, etc., work together to force the Prana to move from the Ida and Pingala into the central Sushumna. The mudras for example, close off various openings, trapping Prana and directing the Sushumna. This allows kundalini to rise up the Sushumna channel, leading to liberation.

  1. Satcittananda, S. (1978). Yoga Sutras of Patanjali . Integral Yoga Publications.