Yoga Teacher Training

I did my 200-hour YTT studies at Jai Yoga School with Meg and Dustin Horan in Albany, New York. They offer annual Bhakti-centered YTT training at the 200hr and 300hr levels with many guest teachers who come in to present on Anatomy and Physiology, Ayurvedic Philosophy, and Specialized Techniques. It was a life-changing experience that I would recommend to anyone.

“By the mercy of my teachers.”

I can’t express in words how wonderful my experience was. Meg and Dustin’s passion for Yoga, teaching styles, and the training center is fantastic. They have built a wonderful community of teachers and students and will live forever in my heart.

Alongside Meg and Dustin are a wonderful group of excellent teachers and staff; Natalie, Emily, Allison, Mandy, Elix, Sarah, Mary, Emilia, Jess, Rachel, Laurel, Bailey, Cheryl, Brooke, and Jacky!

Heidi, Jess, Vivian, Cheryl, Mary, Me, Michelle, Shima, Bridget, Jenn, Jen, Matt, Wendy, Katelyn, Marcy, and Ayla.

And, of course, the experience wouldn’t have been complete without these fine ladies and gentlemen, my fellow YTT trainees. An amazing group of individuals with who I had the opportunity to share 200+ hours of my life. We learned, laughed, loved, ate, shared, sang, cried, and did tons of Yoga together. We left that training a different person than when we walked in. It was as beautiful as each one of their beautiful souls.