Sanskrit: Ardha Navasana
ard-ha NAH-VAH-sah-nah
Strengthens core, spine and hip flexors
Stimulates digestive organs, kidneys and thyroid gland
Relieves stress and lethargy
Standard Cues
Sit with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Bring your knees and feet to touch.
Hold on to the backs of your knees. Lean back with an exhale so that your toes lift from the floor.
Balance on your sitting bones.
Release your hands and bring your arms and shins parallel to the floor. Balance in the pose and take slow, deep breaths.
Lower your feet with an exhale.
Short Cues and options
Keep lower front belly soft
Reach strongly through fingers
Balance on sit bones
Lengthen spine and keep back flat
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have low blood pressure, heart problems or a low back injury.