Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana
AH-doh MOO-kah shva-NAH-sun-uh
Strengthens the abdominals, arms, shoulders, and chest
Relieves stress and mild depression
Improves posture
Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and arches of the feet
Standard Cues
Begin in Downward-Facing Dog. Inhale and move your body forward into Plank pose, aligning your shoulders over your wrists and hands.
Lower your forearms to the ground, one at a time, placing your elbows directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your forearms parallel to one another and to the sides of your mat.
Firm your shoulder blades across your back. Press your palms and forearms down, or bring your palms together in prayer position.
Engage your core. Firm the front of your thighs (quadriceps) while lengthening your tailbone toward the heels.
Gaze slightly forward and down to keep your neck in line with your spine.
Hold this pose for five to 10 breaths. To release, exhale and lower your knees and hips to the floor.
Short Cues and options
Relax the shoulders away from the ears.
Gaze slightly forward and down to keep your neck aligned with your spine.
Align your shoulders directly over your elbows.
Keep the legs engaged and strong.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if you have Shoulder, neck, or spinal injuries