Eagle Pose

Sanskrit: Garudasana



Opens hip external rotators and thoracic spine musculature
Strengthens the quadriceps and gluteals of the balancing leg
Improves balance and stability
Challenges the breath and focuses the mind

Standard Cues

Start in Tadasana (Mountain pose).

Inhale and cross your right leg over your left thigh. Wrap the top of your right foot around your left calf.

Exhale, raise your left arm in front of you, and bend your elbow to 90 degrees. Draw your right arm under your elbow, press the forearms together, and wrap the right hand around your left wrist to bind.

Inhale, allowing your spine to lengthen and chest to expand.

Exhale and draw the abdominals inward. Begin to sink the hips backward, bending the supporting leg. Slowly hinge the torso forward to deepen the pose, or feel free to stay where you are.

To exit, inhale and press through your supporting leg to rise to standing. Exhale and release your limbs.

Short Cues and options

Keep the upper and lower spine extended.

Cross your (right/left) leg over the opposite thigh, engage your inner thighs, and press your hips backward.

Place your (right/left) elbow on top of the opposite elbow crease, and press your forearms together.

On each inhale, feel your chest expand and spine lengthen. On each exhale, sink deeper and bend forward to deepen the posture.

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid if you have Ankle, knee, hip, or shoulder injury

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