Sanskrit: Pincha Mayurasana
PIN-cha my-YUR-AH-sah-nah
Strengthens shoulders, arms and back
Expands lungs
Improves balance and focus
Standard Cues
Begin in Dolphin. Bend your knees and walk your feet toward your hands.
Gaze between your hands. Bend one knee deeply and sweep the opposite foot toward the sky with an exhale. Allow the other leg to follow.
Balancing on your forearms, draw your belly toward your spine and reach your tailbone toward the sky.
Hold the pose and take slow, controlled breaths.
Lower the legs to the floor with an exhale, one leg at a time.
Practice against a wall. Do a few practice hops before inverting completely.
Short Cues and options
Reach tailbone toward sky
Draw ribs in
Elbows shoulder distance wide
Fingers spread wide
Press forearms into floor
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure or shoulder or neck injury.