Sanskrit: Tittibhasana
Challenges and improves balance
Tones the internal organs
Strengthens the core, arms, wrists, and legs
Opens the hips
Standard Cues
Stand with your feet hip-distance wide and lower into a squat.
Lift your hips and place your palms on the floor behind your feet, shoulder-distance apart. Point your fingers forward and spread them wide.
Lower your hips and squeeze your outer arms with your inner thighs.
Shift your bodyweight into your hands. Then inhale and lift your legs from the floor, extending them straight out to the sides.
As you balance in the pose, gaze forward. Lift your pelvis, and press your thumbs and index fingers into the ground.
Stay in Firefly pose for a few breaths. Then exhale and release your feet to the ground.
Short Cues and options
Position your inner thighs high on the backs of the upper arms.
Press your thumbs and forefingers into the ground.
Lift your pelvis.
Release any tension in your neck.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if Arm, wrist, shoulder, or low back injuries