Sanskrit: Parighasana
Stretches side body and pelvis; Tones abdominal organs; Promotes breath awareness
Standard Cues
Begin kneeling. With an exhale stretch your right leg to the right, toes pointing away. Keep your left hip aligned over your left knee. Stretch your arms wide and at shoulder height with an inhale.
Bend to the right with an exhale. Rest your right hand on your thigh or calf and reach your left arm up and over. Gaze toward your upper arm.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.
Rise with an inhale.
Change sides.
Short Cues and Options
Place hand above or below knee
Keep left hip over knee
Face torso Forward
Gaze forward. Bend only as far as is comfortable.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have knee injury.