Sanskrit: Utkata Konasana
oot-KAH-tah ko-NAH-sah-nah
Strengthens legs, opens chest and hips; Stimulates respiratory system; Builds focus and balance
Standard Cues
Stand with your feet together. Step your feet 3 apart with an exhale, pointing your toes diagonally outward. Lift your arms with an inhale, bringing your upper arms parallel to the floor and forearms vertical, hands facing forward. Spread your fingers wide. Lower into a squat with an exhale. Point your tailbone toward the floor. Draw your knees back so that they’re aligned over your ankles. Lift your chest and soften your shoulders.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Release your arms with an exhale and straighten your legs. Step your feet together.
Short Cues and Options
Externally rotate inner thighs
Point tailbone toward floor
Keep torso vertical
Align knees over ankles
Rest your hands on your hips.
Precautionary Warnings
None listed