Sanskrit: Ardha Matsyendrasana
ard-ha maht-syen-DRAH-sah-nah
Stretches shoulders and hips
Tones liver, pancreas, kidneys and adrenal glands; expels toxins
Relieves fatigue
Standard Cues
Sit with your legs stretched in front of you. Bend your left leg and place the foot flat on the floor, just outside of your right knee.
Bend your right leg and bring the heel near the left buttocks.
Bring your left fingertips to the floor about a foot behind you. Gently push into the floor to lengthen your spine.
Reach your right arm up with an inhale.
Bend your right arm with an exhale, press the elbow against the left knee and twist to the left. Gaze over your
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Untwist with an inhale. Change sides.
Short Cues and Options
Lengthen spine vertically and then twist
Draw shoulders down
Press elbow against knee
Position foot just outside of knee
Keep both sits bones on floor