Sanskrit: Hanumanasana
Strengthens the abdominals and low spine
Opens hamstrings and hip flexors
Improves overall core strength
Strengthens the quadriceps and glutes
Stimulates the abdominal organs
Standard Cues
Start in Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) with your right foot forward, back knee on the ground, and hands to the floor for support.
Inhale and extend your right knee in front of you with your heel on the floor. Rotate your thigh inwardly so your right knee faces upward, toward the sky.
Begin to slide your back knee behind you as you exhale. Slowly extend both legs into a full split by pressing through your right heel and the top of your left foot.
Inhale to keep the chest lifted, and draw the hands overhead.
Work toward keeping firm abdominals, maintaining length in your spine to reduce hyperextension, and squaring your hips toward the front of your mat.
To exit, inhale and reach length into the spine. Exhale, place the hands on the floor, and lean forward. Then swing your back leg around to meet the front leg.
Short Cues and options
Keep the spine lengthened through the torso and firm your abdominals.
Squeeze your knees and reach through your toes to extend your legs.
Draw the hands overhead and take your gaze to your fingertips.
Be cautious of your low spine and hyperextension.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if you have Groin, hamstring, or knee injuries