Sanskrit: Utthan Pristhasana
OOT-ahn prish-TAH-sah-nah
Opens hips, groins and hamstrings
Stretches abdominal organs
Increases energy
Standard Cues
Begin in Downward Facing Dog. Reach your right leg toward the sky with an inhale. Place your right foot outside of your right hand with an exhale.
Lower your elbows to the floor underneath your shoulders, forearms parallel. Check that your right knee is aligned over your ankle.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.
Rise onto your hands with an inhale. Reach your right leg up and back with an exhale, then return to Downward Facing Dog. Change sides.
Rest your back knee on the floor or rest your forearms on a block.
Short Cues and options
Draw shoulder blades together
Extend chest forward
Hug right knee in
Align knee over ankle
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have knee injury.