Marichi’s Pose

Sanskrit: Marichyasana



Tones the abdominal organs
Stretches the spine, shoulders, hips, and hamstrings
Calms the mind
Stimulates digestion

Standard Cues

Begin sitting in Dandasana (Staff pose). Bend your left knee and place your foot flat on the ground, close to the groin and against the right leg.

Reach your left arm and shoulder forward on the inside of your left leg. Face your palm outward, thumb facing down. Inhale and lengthen your torso. Then exhale and sweep your left arm around your left shin, resting the palm on your thigh.

Reach forward through the crown of your head and sweep your right arm behind your back. Clasp your right wrist with your left hand.

Inhale and lengthen your torso. As you exhale, fold forward over your left thigh. Open your chest by drawing your shoulder blades away from your ears.

Hold this pose for 30 seconds to a minute. Then release the arms and return to Staff pose. Repeat on the opposite side.

Short Cues and options

Draw your shoulders away from your ears.
Press your extended leg firmly into the floor.
Flex the foot of the extended leg.

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid if you have Asthma

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