Sanskrit: Mayurasana
Strengthens the forearms, wrists, and elbows
Massages the abdominal organs
Improves digestion
Stimulates the elimination of toxins
Develops mental and physical balance
Brings the three Ayurvedic doshas into harmony
Standard Cues
Kneel on the floor with your knees wide, and sit back on your heels. Place your palms on the floor, fingers pointing toward your feet.
Bend your elbows slightly and press your pinky fingers and forearms together. Lean forward and rest your torso on your upper arms. Your elbows should press into your belly at or below your navel.
Rest your forehead on the ground. Stretch your legs behind you, keeping your feet together.
Activate your legs and buttocks. Shift your weight slightly more forward and, with an exhale, lift your feet from the floor. Bring your legs and torso parallel to the ground.
Lift your head from the floor and gaze forward.
Stay in Peacock pose for several breaths. To release, inhale and lower your feet and knees to the floor.
Short Cues and options
Bring the torso and legs parallel to the floor.
Keep the elbows together.
Lengthen from the crown of your head to the heels of your feet.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if you have write or elbow injuries