Sanskrit: Sasangasana
Improves spinal and back flexibility
GO Brings fresh blood to brain, energizes thyroid
Revitalizes mind and relieves depression
Standard Cues
Begin sitting with your legs folded underneath you. Firmly grip your heels.
Slowly fold forward with an exhale, bringing your head to the floor as close to your knees as possible.
Lift your hips with an inhale. Roll onto the top of your head.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.
Lower your hips with an exhale and slowly rise with an inhale.
Place a folded blanket under your knees for cushion
Short Cues and options
Lift hips toward sky
Firm grip on heels
Lift shoulders away from head
Top of head on floor
Close to knees
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have knee injury.