Sanskrit: Supta Virasana
soup-tah VEER-AH-sah-nah
Stretches thighs and abdomen
Improves digestion and respiration
Redirects energy to the mind
Standard Cues
Begin in Hero. Lean back with an exhale, resting on your elbows.
Pause here for a moment.
Slowly lower your torso to the floor with an exhale. Grasp opposite elbows above your head with an inhale.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.
Carefully rise back onto your elbows with an inhale.
Pause here for a moment, then sit all the way up.
Stay on your elbows. Separate your knees slightly but keep thighs parallel.
Short Cues and options
Keep thighs parallel
Feet parallel, outside of hips
Lift tailbone up toward pubic bone
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have knee, back or ankle injury.