Sanskrit: Tolasana
Strengthens the arms and wrists
Strengthens and tones the abdominal muscles
Reduces stiffness in the knees and ankles
Stimulates the digestive system
Opens the hip joints
Standard Cues
Begin in Padmasana (Lotus pose).
Flex your feet, pressing your ankles into your thighs.
Place both of your palms on the floor, next to your hips.
Exhale and press down firmly through the palms of your hands. Engage the abdominal muscles, and lift the buttocks and legs off the floor.
Then slowly lower yourself down onto the mat. Switch your leg crossing, and repeat on the other side.
Short Cues and options
Do not push yourself into this posture. If you feel pain in your knees at any point, come out of the pose.
Keep your spine straight, reaching the crown of your head toward the sky.
Keep your chin parallel to the floor.
Lower your shoulders away from the ears.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if you have shoulder or wrist injuries