Sanskrit: Sarvangasana
Stretches neck and shoulders
Stimulates thyroid and boosts immunity
Relieves stress
Standard Cues
Lie on your back with your arms alongside your body, palms down.
Lift your legs and hips with an inhale, then support your low back with your hands.
Walk your hands down your back and bring your elbows close together.
Reach your feet toward the sky.
Relax your toes. Hold the pose for take slow, deep breaths into your belly.
Lower your feet behind your head, place your palms flat on the floor, tuck your chin into your chest and with an exhale slowly roll down one vertebra at a time.
Note: Always follow shoulderstand with its counterposes, Plow and Fish.
Short Cues and options
Keep legs together
Draw ribs in and up
Press upper arms and shoulders into floor
Soften tongue and throat
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure, headache, neck injury, or a heart condition.