Sanskrit: Parsva Kakasana
PARSH-vah kah-KAH-sah-nah
Strengthens shoulders, abs and wrists
Massages abdominal organs
Develops body awareness and focus
Standard Cues
Begin in Chair. Bring palms in front of your chest.
Twist your torso to the left with an exhale. Press your right upper arm against the outside of your left thigh, as high on your arm as possible.
Bend your knees deeply and place both hands flat on the floor to your left. Lift heels as needed. Shift forward. Focus your gaze at one point below you and lift your toes toward your buttocks. Work toward straightening your arms and bringing your shins parallel to the floor.
Balance in the pose and take slow, deep breaths.
Lower with an exhale. Rise back to Chair with an inhale. Change sides.
Rest your bottom hip on the back of the other arm. Keep the arms bent.
Short Cues and options
Strongly engage core
Draw heels toward buttocks
Place thigh high on upper arm
Focus your gaze beneath you
Spread fingers wide
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, or low back or wrist injury.