Sanskrit: Vasishtasana
Se Strengthens arms and core
Balances nervous system
Improves focus and balance
Standard Cues
Begin in Plank. Press your weight into your right hand. Carefully roll to your right, stacking your left foot on top of right.
Rest your left hand on your left thigh with an exhale. Reach your hand toward the sky with an inhale, spreading your fingers wide. Lift your hips and keep your body in one diagonal line. Gaze toward the sky.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Lower your hand to the floor with an exhale. Change sides.
Modification: Keep your hand on your thigh, gaze downward or rest your bottom knee on the floor.
Short Cues and Options
Spread fingers wide
Avoid arching back
Reach hips up
Align wrist under shoulder
Stack heels
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have wrist or shoulder injury.