Sphinx Pose

Sanskrit: Salamba Bhujangasana

SHAHL-ahm-bah bhoo-jahng-AH-sah-nah


Stretches back, opens chest
Stimulates abdominal organs, strengthens lungs
Relieves stress

Standard Cues

Lie on your stomach. Bring your feet hip distance wide, toes untucked.

Align your elbows under your shoulders, forearms parallel and fingers spread wide.

Peel your head and chest from the floor with an inhale.

Release your shoulders down your back and press your chest forward. Gaze forward.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Lower with an exhale.

Short Cues and options

Draw shoulders down
Press chest forward
Feet hip distance wide
Forearms parallel
Fingers spread wide

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have acute back injury.

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