Sanskrit: Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
OORD-vah pra-SAR-ee-tah eh kuh PAH-DAH-sah-nah
Stretches and strengthens legs; Stimulates kidneys and liver; Improves memory and concentration
Standard Cues
Stand with your feet together and parallel. Bend forward from your hips with an exhale. Lengthen your torso as you come down. Reach your palms toward the floor on either side of your feet. Draw your kneecaps up and lift your sitting bones toward the sky. Shift your weight to your right foot. Reach your left foot back and up with an inhale. Draw your torso toward your thigh.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Lower your leg with an exhale. Change sides.
Short Cues and Options
Point standing knee forward
Square hips toward floor
Draw torso toward thigh
Relax neck
Lift raised leg parallel to the floor.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure.