Sanskrit: Urdhva Hastasana
erd-vah ahs-TAHS-anna
Stretches the entire body
Prepares the body for Yoga practice
Helps align the spinal column
Opens the shoulders
Improves digestion
Relieves mild anxiety and fatigue
Standard Cues
Stand in Tadasana (Mountain pose) with your feet together and arms at your sides.
Ground down through your feet by pressing evenly into the big toe, little toe, and heel.
As you inhale, sweep your arms out to the sides and then up toward the sky. Press your palms and fingers together, coming into prayer over your head.
With an exhale, release your shoulders away from your ears to open the chest. Draw your front ribs in, toward your spine, and lengthen your tailbone toward the ground.
Set your gaze up at your hands.
Hold this pose for a few gentle breaths. To release, lower your hands (in prayer) to heart center. If performing a vinyasa flow, exhale and hinge forward at the hips, coming into Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold).
Short Cues and options
Ground down through all four corners of the feet.
Keep your tailbone in a neutral position.
Lower the shoulders away from the ears.
Do not let the front ribs protrude forward—draw them down and in.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if you have shoulder or neck injuries