Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana III
VEER-ah-bhah-DRAH-sah-nah three
Strengthens legs, shoulders and back
Tones abdominal organs
Balances nervous system; improves balance
Standard Cues
Begin standing. Reach your hands toward the sky with an inhale, palms facing each other.
Bring your weight into your right foot. Bend forward from your hips with an exhale, lifting your left leg straight back.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Rise with an inhale, then exhale and release your arms. Change sides.
Short Cues and Options
Keep arms, torso and lifted leg in one line
Draw belly toward spine
Point toes toward floor
Don’t lock knee
Reach your arms to the sides for balance.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure.