Sanskrit: Supta Padangusthasana
soup-TAH pod-ang-goosh-TAHS-anna
Lengthens the hamstring of the extended leg
Stabilizes the hip joint of the grounded leg
Improves hamstring flexibility
Strengthens the quads and hip flexors of the extended leg; hamstrings and glute of the grounded leg
Relieves low back pain, sciatica, and high blood pressure
Stimulates the prostate gland and digestion
Standard Cues
Gently recline onto your back.
Inhale and lift your right knee toward your chest. Reach for the inside of your big toe only if you are able to maintain a neutral spine.
Exhale and draw your left toes toward your shin to flex the foot. Squeeze your left knee down to the mat.
As you inhale, extend your knee by engaging your quadriceps and pressing the heel upward. Allow your leg to lengthen toward the ceiling.
Exhale and draw your shoulders down to ground into the mat.
To exit, inhale and release the toe, but keep the leg extended. With an exhalation, release your arm and extended leg to the floor. Repeat on the opposite side.
Short Cues and options
Reach for the inside of the big toe with your first two fingers.
Keep the sacrum grounded into your mat.
Draw your knee toward your chest, reach for the inside of the big toe, and extend through the heel.
On each inhalation, feel your chest lift and spine lengthen. On each exhalation, draw your leg closer to your torso.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if Hip pathologies, Limited hip range of motion, Low back pathologies (avoid rounding), Ankle, knee, or shoulder injury