Sanskrit: Parsvottanasana
Stretches hamstrings and shoulders
Stimulates abdominal organs
Improves balance; calms mind
Standard Cues
Begin standing. Step your left foot about 3 feet back with an exhale. Keeping your heels in one line, point your left foot 45 degrees to the left. Face your torso forward.
Press your palms together behind your back with an inhale. Open your chest. Bend forward with an exhale. Reach your forehead toward your knee.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.
Rise with an inhale, then exhale and step your feet together. Change sides.
Short Cues and Options
Lengthen the front of your torso
Do not lock knees
Anchor the back heel to the floor
Press ball of front foot into floor
Hold opposite elbows behind your back, or reach both hands to the floor.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure or a back injury.