Sanskrit: Sukhasana
Calms the brain and reduces anxiety
Begins to open the hips for Yoga practice
Stretches the knees and ankles
Strengthens the back
Relieves mental and physical fatigue
Standard Cues
Sit down on your mat with your legs extended in front of you in Dandasana (Staff pose).
Bend your knees and cross your legs inward, crossing one shin in front of the other.
Relax your feet so the outer edge of each foot is resting on the ground. Maintain a slight gap between your pelvis and your feet.
Bring your right hand to your right knee, and left hand to left knee. You can rest your hands here with your palms facing down, join the palms together in prayer, or position them in Guyan Mudra.
Close your eyes. Ground your sitting bones down and reach through the crown of your head to lengthen the spine.
Uncross your legs and repeat with the opposite shin forward.
Short Cues and options
Ideally, your pelvis should be higher than your knees. If your hips are tight, sit on a blanket or block.
Lengthen your spine through the crown of your head, keeping your chin parallel to the ground.
Focus on the breath, letting go of whatever you did before practice or whatever you need to do after. Go inside.
Precautionary Warnings
Avoid if you have a knee, ankle or hip injury.