Corpse Pose

Sanskrit: Savasana



Relaxes entire body Lowers blood pressure; releases lactic acid buildup
Relieves stress and fatigue; refreshes mind

Standard Cues

Lie on your back. Bring your feet wide and let them flop open. Bring your arms several inches away from your torso, palms up.

Make any minor adjustments needed so that you are completely comfortable.

Close your eyes. Find stillness. Hold the pose and take natural breaths. Focus your attention on your breath. Come out of the pose slowly and gently.

Note: Hold for 30-60 seconds when resting between poses and 5-15 minutes at the end of your practice.

Short Cues and Options

Relax forehead, release tension in jaw and draw chin very slightly toward chest
Bring feet wide
Keep head and spine in one line, tuck shoulder blades under

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Bridge Pose

Sanskrit: Setu Bandhasana

set-oo bahn-DHAH-sah-nah


3 Stretches spine, strengthens glutes and hamstrings
Stimulates lungs, thyroid and abdominal organs
Calms mind

Standard Cues

Lie on your back. Bend your knees and bring your feet near your buttocks, hip-width apart.

Rest your arms by your sides, palms down. With an inhale push into your feet to lift your hips. Reach your chest toward your chin.

Clasp your hands underneath you and tuck your shoulders under. Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Unclasp your hands, then exhale to lower.


Keep arms flat on the floor to lessen the stretch in the shoulders.

Short Cues and options

Align knees over ankles
Lengthen tailbone toward knees
Do not turn head
Bring feet hip width apart

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Rabbit Pose

Sanskrit: Sasangasana



Improves spinal and back flexibility
GO Brings fresh blood to brain, energizes thyroid
Revitalizes mind and relieves depression

Standard Cues

Begin sitting with your legs folded underneath you. Firmly grip your heels.

Slowly fold forward with an exhale, bringing your head to the floor as close to your knees as possible.

Lift your hips with an inhale. Roll onto the top of your head.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Lower your hips with an exhale and slowly rise with an inhale.


Place a folded blanket under your knees for cushion

Short Cues and options

Lift hips toward sky
Firm grip on heels
Lift shoulders away from head
Top of head on floor
Close to knees

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have knee injury.

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King Dancer Pose

Sanskrit: Saral Natarajasana

sah-rahl nah-tah-RAH-JAH-sah-nah


Strengthens legs, opens shoulders and chest
Expands and strengthens lungs
Improves coordination and balance

Standard Cues

Begin in Mountain. Shift your weight to your left foot.

Bend your right knee with an exhale, drawing the foot toward your buttocks. Clasp the inside of the ankle with your right hand.

Reach your left arm forward and up with an inhale, touching the index finger and thumb together.

Slowly extend your right foot up and back with an exhale. Try to bring your thigh parallel to the floor (or even higher).

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Slowly lower your leg with an exhale. Change sides.

Short Cues and Options

Leg raised directly behind body
Steady gaze
Hips squared
Avoid compressing low back
Do not lock standing knee
Brace your outstretched hand on a wall to balance.

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure or low back injury.

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Sanskrit: Sarvangasana



Stretches neck and shoulders
Stimulates thyroid and boosts immunity
Relieves stress

Standard Cues

Lie on your back with your arms alongside your body, palms down.

Lift your legs and hips with an inhale, then support your low back with your hands.

Walk your hands down your back and bring your elbows close together.

Reach your feet toward the sky.

Relax your toes. Hold the pose for take slow, deep breaths into your belly.

Lower your feet behind your head, place your palms flat on the floor, tuck your chin into your chest and with an exhale slowly roll down one vertebra at a time.

Note: Always follow shoulderstand with its counterposes, Plow and Fish.

Short Cues and options

Keep legs together
Draw ribs in and up
Press upper arms and shoulders into floor
Soften tongue and throat

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure, headache, neck injury, or a heart condition.

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Locust Pose

Sanskrit: Salabasana



Strengthens spine, legs and arms
Massages abdominal organs
Relieves stress

Standard Cues

Lie on your stomach. Separate your feet hip-width apart and bring your arms by your sides, palms up. Rest your forehead on the floor.

Raise your head, chest, arms and legs with an inhale. Reach your head and toes away from each other.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Lower with an exhale.

Short Cues and Options

Keep head in line with spine
Reach strongly through your toes
Firm your buttocks

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure or heart conditions.

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Wide Legged Forward Fold

Sanskrit: Prasarita Padottanasana

pra-SAR-ee-tah PAH-doh-TAHN-NAH-sah na


Strengthens legs and spine; stretches groin; Improves digestion; Calms mind

Standard Cues

Stand with your feet together. Step your feet 3 to 5 feet apart. Bring feet parallel. Place your hands on your hips. Lengthen your spine with an inhale. Bend forward with an exhale, keeping your spine long.

Bring your fingertips or palms to the floor and walk them back until they’re in line with your feet. Relax your neck and draw your shoulders away from your ears.
Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Bring your hands to your hips and engage your back muscles. Inhale and slowly rise with a flat back. Exhale and step your feet together.

Short Cues and Options

Engage leg muscles
Draw shoulder blades toward tailbone
Point elbows straight back
Press into outer edges of your feet
Bend knees slightly.

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have low back problems.

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Feathered Peacock / Forearm Stand

Sanskrit: Pincha Mayurasana

PIN-cha my-YUR-AH-sah-nah


Strengthens shoulders, arms and back
Expands lungs
Improves balance and focus

Standard Cues

Begin in Dolphin. Bend your knees and walk your feet toward your hands.

Gaze between your hands. Bend one knee deeply and sweep the opposite foot toward the sky with an exhale. Allow the other leg to follow.

Balancing on your forearms, draw your belly toward your spine and reach your tailbone toward the sky.

Hold the pose and take slow, controlled breaths.

Lower the legs to the floor with an exhale, one leg at a time.


Practice against a wall. Do a few practice hops before inverting completely.

Short Cues and options

Reach tailbone toward sky
Draw ribs in
Elbows shoulder distance wide
Fingers spread wide
Press forearms into floor

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure or shoulder or neck injury.

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Plank Pose

Sanskrit: Kumbhakasana



Strengthens core and upper body
Tones nervous system
Builds endurance

Standard Cues

Begin in Downward Facing Dog.

Shift forward with an inhale, aligning your shoulders over your wrists.

Engage your core and legs.

Gaze diagonally downward.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Push back to Downward Facing Dog with an exhale.


Lower your knees to the floor.

Short Cues and options

Keep head in line

with spine

Soften elbows
Draw belly toward spine
Feet hip width apart
Hands shoulder width apart

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Seated Forward Fold

Sanskrit: Paschimottanasana



Stretches spine and hamstrings
Tones abdominal organs and uro-genital system
Calms mind and relieves anxiety

Standard Cues

Sit with your legs stretched in front of you. Bring your feet to touch.

Reach your arms toward the sky with an inhale.

Bend forward from your hips with an exhale and hold your shins, ankles, or toes.

Relax your neck. Breathe deeply into your belly.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Rise with an inhale.

Short Cues and options

Keep neck in line with spine
Keep feet together and relaxed
Breathe deeply into belly and back
Bend elbows

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have asthma or a back injury.

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