Noose Pose

Sanskrit: Pasasana



Stretches ankles, thighs and shoulders
Stimulates liver, spleen and pancreas
Develops patience

Standard Cues

Begin in a squat, feet together and heels on the floor or a folded blanket.

Twist your torso to the right with an exhale. Place your left armpit outside of your right knee. Bend your elbow and wrap your left arm around your legs.

Wrap your right arm behind you and clasp your hands or wrists. Open your chest to the right and gaze over your right shoulder.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Gently untwist with an exhale. Change sides. Modification: Keep your front fingertips on the floor but wrap your back arm behind you.

Short Cues and Options

Close gap between torso and thigh
Soften belly
Work toward bringing knees together
Place heels on floor or folded blanket

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have back or knee injury.

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Pyramid Pose

Sanskrit: Parsvottanasana



Stretches hamstrings and shoulders
Stimulates abdominal organs
Improves balance; calms mind

Standard Cues

Begin standing. Step your left foot about 3 feet back with an exhale. Keeping your heels in one line, point your left foot 45 degrees to the left. Face your torso forward.

Press your palms together behind your back with an inhale. Open your chest. Bend forward with an exhale. Reach your forehead toward your knee.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Rise with an inhale, then exhale and step your feet together. Change sides.

Short Cues and Options

Lengthen the front of your torso
Do not lock knees
Anchor the back heel to the floor
Press ball of front foot into floor
Hold opposite elbows behind your back, or reach both hands to the floor.

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure or a back injury.

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Side Crow Pose

Sanskrit: Parsva Kakasana

PARSH-vah kah-KAH-sah-nah


Strengthens shoulders, abs and wrists
Massages abdominal organs
Develops body awareness and focus

Standard Cues

Begin in Chair. Bring palms in front of your chest.

Twist your torso to the left with an exhale. Press your right upper arm against the outside of your left thigh, as high on your arm as possible.

Bend your knees deeply and place both hands flat on the floor to your left. Lift heels as needed. Shift forward. Focus your gaze at one point below you and lift your toes toward your buttocks. Work toward straightening your arms and bringing your shins parallel to the floor.

Balance in the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Lower with an exhale. Rise back to Chair with an inhale. Change sides.


Rest your bottom hip on the back of the other arm. Keep the arms bent.

Short Cues and options

Strongly engage core
Draw heels toward buttocks
Place thigh high on upper arm
Focus your gaze beneath you
Spread fingers wide

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, or low back or wrist injury.

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Revolved Side Angle Pose

Sanskrit: Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

par-vrit-tuh PARSH-vah-ko-NAH-sah-nah


Stretches and strengthens legs, opens chest
Rejuvenates abdominal organs
Reduces fatigue, increases energy

Standard Cues

Begin in Crescent with your right leg forward. Twist your torso to the right with an exhale. Snuggle your left armpit outside of your right knee and place your left fingertips on the floor.

Reach your right arm to the sky with an inhale. Lower it alongside your right ear with an exhale. Gaze toward the sky.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Carefully untwist with an exhale and rise to Crescent. Change sides.


Press your upper arm against your thigh and bring your palms to prayer.

Short Cues and options

Open chest to the side
Soften belly
Align armpit outside of knee
Align knee over ankle

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have high or low blood pressure.

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Revolved Head to Knee Pose

Sanskrit: Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

par-vrit-tuh jaw-new SHEER-SHAH-sah-nah


Stretches spine, shoulders and torso
Stimulates abdominal organs
Invigorates mind

Standard Cues

Sit with your legs stretched in front of you. Bend your left leg and place the sole of your foot against your right upper thigh. Flex your right foot.

Stretch your right hand toward your right foot with an exhale. Twist your palm to the right so that your thumb points down. Clasp onto the inner edge of the foot.

Twist your torso upward. Reach your left arm toward the sky with an inhale. Lower it behind your head with an exhale and grab hold of the outer edge of your foot. Gaze upward.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Carefully release and untwist with an exhale. Change sides.

Short Cues and options

Stretch elbows away from each other
Twist torso toward sky
Press shoulder against knee
Press bent leg toward floor

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have knee injury.

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Half Boat Pose

Sanskrit: Ardha Navasana

ard-ha NAH-VAH-sah-nah


Strengthens core, spine and hip flexors
Stimulates digestive organs, kidneys and thyroid gland
Relieves stress and lethargy

Standard Cues

Sit with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Bring your knees and feet to touch.

Hold on to the backs of your knees. Lean back with an exhale so that your toes lift from the floor.

Balance on your sitting bones.

Release your hands and bring your arms and shins parallel to the floor. Balance in the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Lower your feet with an exhale.

Short Cues and options

Keep lower front belly soft
Reach strongly through fingers
Balance on sit bones
Lengthen spine and keep back flat

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have low blood pressure, heart problems or a low back injury.

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Gate Pose

Sanskrit: Parighasana



Stretches side body and pelvis; Tones abdominal organs; Promotes breath awareness

Standard Cues

Begin kneeling. With an exhale stretch your right leg to the right, toes pointing away. Keep your left hip aligned over your left knee. Stretch your arms wide and at shoulder height with an inhale.

Bend to the right with an exhale. Rest your right hand on your thigh or calf and reach your left arm up and over. Gaze toward your upper arm.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Rise with an inhale.

Change sides.

Short Cues and Options

Place hand above or below knee
Keep left hip over knee
Face torso Forward
Gaze forward. Bend only as far as is comfortable.

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have knee injury.

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Lotus Pose

Sanskrit: Padmasana



Tones lower spine
GO Relaxes nervous system, reduces blood pressure
Keeps mind focused and alert
Redirects energy upward

Standard Cues

Sit with your legs stretched in front of you. Bend your right leg and place your ankle on top of your left thigh.

Bend your left leg and stack your ankle on top of your right thigh. Lengthen your spine.

Rest the backs of your hands on your knees with your thumbs and index fingers touching.

Relax your shoulders. Close your eyes. Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths. Carefully release your legs.


Perform Half Lotus, bringing one ankle onto the thigh and the other just in front of the opposite shin.

Short Cues and options

Lengthen spine
Relax shoulders
Face soles of feet upward
Heels close to pubic bone

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have sciatica or knee issues.

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Forward Fold

Sanskrit: Uttanasana



Stretches back body
Stimulates liver and kidneys
Calms mind

Standard Cues

Stand with your feet together, feet parallel. Bend forward from your hips with an exhale. Lengthen your torso as you come down. Reach your palms toward the floor on either side of your feet.

Draw your kneecaps up and lift your sitting bones toward the sky. Let your head hang.

Hold the pose and take slow, deep breaths.

Place your hands on your hips. Lengthen your spine with an inhale and rise to standing.

Short Cues and Options

Lift sit bones toward sky
Do not lock knees,
lift kneecaps
Relax neck
Press heels in
Bend your knees.
Hold onto your shins to lessen the floor

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid this pose if you have high blood pressure.

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Peacock Pose

Sanskrit: Mayurasana



Strengthens the forearms, wrists, and elbows
Massages the abdominal organs
Improves digestion
Stimulates the elimination of toxins
Develops mental and physical balance
Brings the three Ayurvedic doshas into harmony

Standard Cues

Kneel on the floor with your knees wide, and sit back on your heels. Place your palms on the floor, fingers pointing toward your feet.

Bend your elbows slightly and press your pinky fingers and forearms together. Lean forward and rest your torso on your upper arms. Your elbows should press into your belly at or below your navel.

Rest your forehead on the ground. Stretch your legs behind you, keeping your feet together.

Activate your legs and buttocks. Shift your weight slightly more forward and, with an exhale, lift your feet from the floor. Bring your legs and torso parallel to the ground.
Lift your head from the floor and gaze forward.

Stay in Peacock pose for several breaths. To release, inhale and lower your feet and knees to the floor.

Short Cues and options

Bring the torso and legs parallel to the floor.
Keep the elbows together.
Lengthen from the crown of your head to the heels of your feet.

Precautionary Warnings

Avoid if you have write or elbow injuries

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