A well-rounded Yoga sequence generally includes the following elements:
- Centering: Begin with a few minutes of breathing exercises or meditation to calm the mind and prepare for practice.
- Warm-up: Start with gentle movements such as spinal stretches, cat-cow pose, and gentle twists to warm up the body.
- Sun salutations: A series of flowing movements that build strength and flexibility while also providing a cardiovascular workout.
- Standing poses: These poses build strength, stability, and balance in the legs, hips, and core. Examples include warrior poses, triangle pose, and tree pose.
- Seated poses: These poses improve flexibility and mobility in the hips and spine, and also calm the mind. Examples include forward folds, seated twists, and pigeon pose.
- Backbends: These poses strengthen the back muscles and improve posture. Examples include cobra pose, upward-facing dog, and bridge pose.
- Inversions: These poses reverse the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid in the body, which can improve circulation and boost energy levels. Examples include shoulder stand, headstand, and handstand.
- Savasana: End with a few minutes of relaxation in corpse pose, allowing the body and mind to fully absorb the benefits of the practice.